Monday, December 13, 2010

25 Ways to Turn Your Lunch Break Into Recess

Put down the sandwich. You heard me. Before you even consider working through another lunch hour, I want you to go outside. Right now. Really. 

Confused? Befuddled? Let's take a short detour down Memory Lane.

When you were a kid, you never willingly chose to spend your recess indoors working on your homework, did you? So what's changed? What is holding you back from putting the same freedom, excitement and fun into that one precious hour in the middle of the workday that is completely, selfishly, wholly yours?

This week, I challenge you to obey your inner child and transform your lunch hour into recess. If you need a little help, here are 25 simple, creative ways to get started. Pick one...or two...and GO PLAY!
  • Climb a tree
  • Go to a park and swing on the swings
  • Make a snow angel (just remember to pack an extra set of clothes)
  • Study something small—a blade of grass, an ant, a lady bug
  • Trade lunches with a coworker
  • Draw a picture
  • Keep a coloring book and crayons in your desk and color a picture

  • Curl up with a good book
  • Grab a coworker and head outside for a game of catch
  • Find a bike shop and rent a bike for half an hour (if you bike to work, go for a ride)
  • Round up a group of coworkers for a pickup game of capture the flag
  • Practice Yoga or Pilates
  • Make wishes on puffy white dandelions

  • Visit a candy store and stock up on all your childhood favorites
  • Who cares if you look silly. Grab your coworker buds for a game of freeze tag
  • Watch the clouds

  • Jump in a pile of leaves
  • Jump rope (or grab a couple of work buds and enjoy some double-dutch)
  • Gather small objects as if they were precious treasures
  • Pick a dandelion bouquet 

  • Create a scavenger hunt for your coworkers
  • Head to your local coffee shop for a hot cup of tea or favorite coffee drink
  • Make a friendship bracelet...and give it to your work BFF or the first kid you see
  • Treat yourself to an ice cream cone
  • Bring some sidewalk chalk for a game of hopscotch

Have other ideas? I'd love to here how you've turned your lunch break into a recess. Post them here!


    Beth said...

    Great post! We all need some play in our lives.

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