Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Everyday Mundane

One of my favorite blogs and podcasts is that of Jamie Ridler, of Jamie Ridler Studios. Each Wednesday is dubbed Wishcasting Wednesday, an opportunity for bloggers and “independent creative spirits” (as Jamie so lovingly calls we creative types) to release their hearts’ desires into the world. (And on a side note, don’t you just adore the term “independent creative spirits?” Don’t you just sense yourself standing a little taller at the mere mention of it? I know I do.)

I realize it’s Thursday and that my wish is coming a day late. But, really, is it ever too late to wish?

This week’s wishcasting prompt was, “What do you wish to enjoy.”

For me, I wish to enjoy the everyday mundane…the here and now…this in between time in my life that feels a little bit like standing in a line. I know what I want and where I am going, but must first work…and then wait to reap the harvest.

It feels a little bit like being a kid and having a pair of footie pajamas that are a tad too tight. You know, where your toes press against the inside and stretch out the ends of the feet, but they aren’t quite tight enough to convince mom to cut them off and let your toes wiggle freely? I’m that kid in those don’t-quite-fit-right footie pajamas.

I recently stumbled upon a proverb that spoke to my core about this very matter.

“Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest.” Proverbs 20:4

Writer Diane Eble, expands upon this thought in her book Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-Filled Devotions by explaining that, as with so many things, timing is everything when it comes to the success an endeavor. With farming, it does the farmer no good to sow too early in hopes of harvesting his crop a little bit sooner. Nor does it do him any good to sow too late in an attempt to shorten the time between the planting and harvest. There’s a timing and a method and a reason for both in every successful undertaking.

It’s something I must continue to work on, and remind myself of often as I put in the late hours and make sacrifices and all the while wonder, “Will it even matter?”

When my gremlins named Self-Doubt and Passivity try to talk me out of my dream, I silence them reminding myself of the tiny sprouts already springing forth in this creative dream of mine. A year ago, I hadn’t a clue what I wanted to do. Now, Stepping Stones Studio is REAL…and growing. One. Step. At. A. Time.

During my first marathon, my muscles sore but strong, my body fatigued but determined, I realized that all the training miles, all the lonely early morning runs had finally pieced themselves together to create this moment. It was because of all those baby steps that I was now conquering the 26.2-mile challenge before me.

So today I want to enjoy the steps, whichever one I happen to be on at this very moment. It may be working an ordinary J-O-B for awhile in order to fund My Dream…and that’s O.K. Actually, it’s not only O.K., it’s great because it’s the steps in the journey that make arriving at the intended destination that much sweeter.

So today, I wish to enjoy every last second of the everyday mundane.


Lynn said...

This is oh-so-exactly where I am at this very moment. The days, weeks, and months fly by and if we don't learn to enjoy them when we are in them, they are gone forever. As Sara Rae wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Anonymous said...

Sara Rae, I am going to take away with me the word Passivity. I like that much better than Procrastination. That word has come to have such a bite. And although Passivity can be a gremlin, I think I will be able to look at it with gentleness. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

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