Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Desires of Your Heart

There is a poem that sits on my desk at work. I use it as a tool to center myself when the corporate trenches try pull my tender creative spirit down into their murky depths of false personas, ambiguous corporate speak and mind-spinning multitasking. I'm not certain who wrote the poem. It isn't attributed, but I thank the author for penning words that go directly onto my heart.

The Desire of Your Heart

Deep inside of you there is a well.
A deep well filled with dreams, visions, and ideas.
Thoughts of who you are, of what you will become,
of what you have dreamt about your entire life;
aching to come out, to be heard.
Today, I can promise you that if you listen to those things,
they will become you...
Because they are you.
They are the essence of what you were born to do,
who you were born to be.
So today I ask that you listen, and believe.
That still small voice inside of you of whispering.
It's called your destiny.
And today you will find it, 
because it has already found you.
It's time.

Close out the noise and distractions surrounding you for just a moment. Even a few seconds. What still small voice of whisperings is calling you?

Do you hear it?

Sometimes, when the verbal or written words to what our heart truly longs for cannot be heard, it helps to turn to visual images. Vision boards, dream boards, intention boards, goal them by any of those names, their mission remains the same. These delightful collages are created by creative dreamers everywhere to strike a chord within them, to wake up their innermost dreams that are stirring somewhere but have not been named just yet.

Jamie Ridler of Jamie Ridler Studios is celebrating these dream boards today, having asked her readers to create a dream board celebrating this month's full moon, the Wolf Moon. The board I created this past weekend as part of her A Year of Dreams teleworkshop is below.  (And if you're in the southeastern Wisconsin area, I encourage you to check out the Vision Board workshops through Point of You taking place this weekend and next!)

Many of the images I picked because I thought they held a particular meaning. Some I simply liked. But as I've viewed and journaled about my dream board this week, I'm finding deeper meanings to some of the images. Large, grand, almost scary dreams of what could be if I'd only try. Other images that didn't have specific meaning originally are taking shape. And still, some are simply there because I think they're pretty.

Are you feeling stuck. Is there a deep-seeded wish inside your heart. A whisper? It's called your destiny. It's found you. Now let it out. Create a dream board. It's time.


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